Alba Weirdo


I was born in 1995 in Valencia. I remember my entire childhood with colored pencils and watercolors in my hands. I was lucky to have my mother as a reference, since she has always been good at plastic arts. I remember watching her paint or asking her to make drawings for me and then I tried to copy them, and that is how I learned to draw. My life has always revolved around art, I had my high school diploma in plastic arts, I studied Product Design at the EASD of Valencia and I have taken courses in lino-cutting, serigraphy, ceramics and floral art.

My interest in the world of tattooing had always been there, but it was not until I was 16 years old when a friend asked me the question “And why don’t you tattoo?” When I started to really consider it, I saved up, bought my first tattoo equipment at 17 in 2013, and since then I’ve always had a couple of machines in my hands. I started like almost everyone else, at home, at that time the style I liked the most was the traditional, full of colors. I spent a few years learning until finally Sento (head of No Land Tattoo) decided to count on me and help me finishing my training, he was the one who saw my new interest in pointillism and, realizing that I did not know how to work the style, decided to teach me.

Today I can say that I ‘disassociated’ (in quotation marks because from time to time I work with it) from traditional color tattooing and I have moved on to work with a blackwork focused on pointillism with which I get to give more detail and finesse to my work.

When working on my designs, I base my work mainly on the floral theme (since I have always had the nature very close and the facility to understand it, because my parents have been involved in the flower business) and also in the theme of witchcraft, occultism, and spirituality, because it has interested me a lot and has been part of my life.

On the other hand, despite having a more specific style, I like tattooing, so I like to work on any idea whether it is my style or not, face new challenges and keep learning.

Tattoos & Artworks